Purchase Price: $22
Place of Purchase: Warehouse - New York, NY
Rating: 8.4
This stuff is great--really delicious! Spicy, fruity, and floral, it tastes a bit like cake, so you may not want to pour half a bottle down your gullet in one sitting but rather save it for special times and special places, the way cake is traditionally doled out. I like this rum so much I can even overlook the fact that the name of it is an overly cutesy way of spelling "Pirate." As long as they are expending their mental faculties on putting together the rum in the exemplary fashion they obviously are, I’m not going to quibble about the mildly retarded branding. As a bonus, each bottle comes with its own medallion doo-hicky thing imprinted with a picture of Hoti, the Chinese patron saint of bartenders. This little item makes a perfect icebreaker—go ahead and present it to that hot bartender you’ve been stalking and good things are bound to follow.