Canadian Whisky
Purchase Price: $10
Place of Purchase: Warehouse - New York, NY
Rating: 7.9
I hadn’t given this brand so much as a stray though in decades and then, boom, there it is, sitting on the shelf in Warehouse going for the decidedly un-Lordly price of $9.99 per 750ml. With just one glance at a bottle shape and label that hasn’t changed in probably half a century, I was instantly transported back to a late-seventies era I spent thumbing through shoplifted copies of Penthouse and National Lampoon magazines. Lord Calvert always seemed to have a full page ad in these periodicals every month of the year. It’s worth noting that when I googled this to find a picture of the bottle, one of the first links I saw was an article about some vehicular miscreant who was found passed out in the front seat of his car with “four pint bottles of Lord Calvert scattered about.” There also appears to be a Lord Calvert bowling alley somewhere in Maryland. Rather fitting I think, although, I must admit, I actually like this. It’s got a touch of Juicy Fruit-type sweetness that reminds me a bit of an Irish whiskey but still plenty enough rye overtones to reassure that this is indeed a product of north North America. A pleasant surprise!!
The bowling alley is named so after the area in which it is located.
Warehouse has now bundled the 750 Lord Calverts into tempting twosomes at $14.99
Having invested said fifteen bucks in the bagged pair I was delighted to find your review prior to taking the hooch home for my own investigation. I too find find comfort in the blended utility whiskeys of old, proof of that every dime spent in print advertising in the 70s is still paying dividends today. I’ve recently taken to guzzling gallons of Seagram’s 7 for the same reason and Calvert will prove the perfect diversion for the time being.
IF you haven’t been by Warehouse in the past weeks, there’s a deal on a speyside scotch called Tomintoul(sp?). At least I think it’s a good deal. Far less smoky than the standard brands, this whisky claims to be 10 years old and is going for $20.00. It was a holiday indulgence.
I have a small battle of Lord Calvert custom blended whiskey made in the calvert co. louisvilleky baltimore md. is 1/2 pint 7 1/2 and is very very all in the back have a stamp of lord calvert and said for men of distindion
I have a big collection of small battler from 1845 and 1857 and more old than that i need help finding a web or a place so I can find the real price of this battle compliantly full of liquor they been with me for years and years .thank you
Hi have several of this from at least the late 70's are they drinkable ?And what would their prices be ? Any help Would be much appreciated ,Thank you !!
i live in las vegas. where can i find lord calvert? i was from arkansas, and its in every liquor store there.
I just bought this cheap whiskey, because I have wanted to try something new, were drinking it at the cabin this weekend. This crap taste like a damn septic tank, I better make sure I have lots of toilet paper for tomorrow because i'm gonna go through at least 2 rolls wiping my ass from the explosive diarrhea I get from this shit.
Nice whiskey, you will get suprised, its mild flavour, for newcomers in whiskey drinking it will be a good choice.
This is obviously a price whiskey, not a sipping whiskey. That being said, if you are into rye mixed drinks (7&7, rye and coke, Manhattan with extra cherry juice, rye sour, etc.) it is a good economical choice.
Even on the rocks with some water it isn't bad. This was my mother's choice cocktail for many years, so maybe I am a little biased, but for $15 for 1.75 L, it ain't bad at all. Have a Crown Royal, then switch to the Lord Calvert!
Bitter complainers and snobs please step aside. This is not a high end whiskey, so stop expecting it to be. For less than $10. U.S. for a 750 ml bottle, its a perfectly adequate Canadian whiskey. This is Chevrolet whiskey. If you're in a Ferrari state of mind, look elsewhere.
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