Purchase Price: $15
Place of Purchase: Warehouse - New York, NY
Rating: 8.0
Along with flinging money into a black hole meant to bail out bankers and automobile manufacturers and insurance companies, the United States government is also charged with ensuring that certain liquors are “Bonded”--meaning they are bottled and sold at a certain minimum proof. Rittenhouse is a grand old name in rye, and is a serviceable example of this oft-overlooked category, but it suffers in comparison to the identically-priced Old Overholt. You’d think something that is 25% stronger than the normal 80 proof would have a bit more “oomph” but Rittenhouse just doesn’t bowl me over the way my favorite ryes do. Worth a try, though.
1 comment:
Being an overholt fan myself I too was skeptical of the Rittenhouse. But much as the allure of Yankee antiquity drew me to the latter, the allure of Bottled In Bond had me buying a Rittenhouse soon enough. As you pointed out you’re getting more octane but you’re buying less booze when compared to Old Overcoat. I found the Rittenhouse offered a wholly different experience: smoother with caramel notes and the alcohol bite when compared to the rye spice and no caramel of overholt. In even simpler terms: Rittenhouse tastes more like a coke.
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