Purchase Price: $26
Place of Purchase: Astor Wine and Spirits - New York, NY
Rating: 8.0
Gosling’s Black Seal is great, one of the world’s foremost dark rums, but I was a bit wary when they released a lighter version complete with uninspired labeling that reminded me of something Captain Morgan's might dream up to bushwhack our nation's collegiate binge drinkers with. I’ve found you can get around the labeling by turning the bottle around so it faces the wall-- kind of like that poor guy at the end of the Blair Witch Project--but the rum itself is just fine, really pleasant drinking. I had low expectations and this stuff just leaped right over them. A harmonious blending of sweetness and spice, it may even go down a bit too easy, so eat a big meal before you sit down with this or you may end up doing something you regret, like drunk texting your neighbor’s wife or falling asleep on the couch with the phone book on your lap open to the “Escorts” section.
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