Blended Scotch
Purchase Price: Generally around $55 a bottle
Place of Purchase: Various - Always by the glass
Rating: 8.0
I remember ordering a glass of this after dinner at an Indian restaurant at a hotel somewhere in bucolic Lee, MA. It was the only Scotch they carried, which I thought was strange--I mean, Johnnie Walker Green isn't exactly the cornerstone of most bars, especially tiny ones like at this place but it only cost something like $6 and it was a generous pour. And since the restaurant was part of the hotel, I was able to bring the glass to my room and savor it over a day's worth of college football highlights. I've always considered the Johnnie Walker line of blends the most overrated of the modern age, but the Green is a decent dram, not as good as the Gold, every bit as worthy as the wildly overpriced Blue and far and away better than the pedestrian Black and utterly forgettable Red. That's about all I can say, as I was quite sozzled at the time and indeed that has seemed to be my state of mind every other time I've tasted this. But I've got to be fairly fond of it, or I wouldn't keep ordering it! And color-coded Scotches are kind of fun, in a Nursery School-type of way.
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