Purchase Price: $20
Place of Purchase: Warehouse - New York, NY
Rating: 7.8
To paraphrase Rattle and Hum-era Bono Vox: “El Dorado. Cadillac stole it, the Demerara Distillers of Guyana are taking it back.” If only. This came to me highly touted (by whom, I can’t remember) so I was pretty excited about trying it, but it really failed to make much of an impression. It’s undergone a formidable amount of aging, 12 years as a matter of fact, but even a relative toddler like 4 year old Barbancourt thrashes this like a mongoose set loose on a garter snake. It’s just not doing it for me the way Michelle Ryan from the new Bionic Woman does, but that is probably asking too much in the first place. Maybe the 15 year-old is better, I will keep you posted…
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