Canadian Whisky
Purchase Price: Generally $13-$18
Place of Purchase: Various
Rating: 8.1
What can I say about this--the first drink I ever had? I was 13 years old, a happy-go-lucky attendee at a neighbor’s graduation party. At some point a bunch of us started badgering some of the older teenagers to get us drinks, and incredibly, they actually agreed. When they asked me what I wanted I blurted out “7&7”—it was just about the only drink I knew! These older kids were so cool they not only delivered our cocktails to us out behind the rented hall, but supplemented them with a bunch of 7 ounce cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon. Talk about a bounty! Not long after that you had a bunch of drunken 13 and 14 years-olds running around the circular driveway pretending to be racehorses. But nobody got sick and no one got in trouble. Ah, youth. You never forget your first buzz. It is a feeling I’ve tried to recapture many times since then, with varying levels of success. I salute Seagram’s 7 and still believe that it goes better with 7-Up than anything on the market.
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